How do u do?
Well,,, sebagai bagian dr suatu organisasi, apalagi organisasi ini tujuanx untuk meningktkan nilai akademik pastix, pengurus orgnanisasi tersebut pengen pux banyak member. So, hal itulah yang skarang akan saya lakukan. Saya adalah bagian dari organisasi dalam bidang English, di SMA Negeri 1 Rantepao, salah satu sekolah tepatx di tingkat SMA yang tentunya diandalkan di Toraja Utara. Pencanangan Toraja Utara sebagai Kabupaten Pendidikan memberi inspirasi besar bagi kami khususnya sebagai para pelajar Toraja. Nah, now English so necessary, jadi gak ada salahnya kalau kita belajar English. Nah, menurut saya skarang yang menjadi bagian utama dari kesuksesan sekolah menuju The International Standard tentunya adalah Bahasa Inggris.Disni saya mau PROMOSI Organisasi Bahasa Inggris tpi It Juzt For The Smansha Students.
S.E.A. is Place for all the smansa studenst who interesting in english and join in our organization, SEA, we share all the information here,, whether it about debate motion, about ur study or to update ur info about anything that happen in our lovely world...
What is SEA?
SEA stands for SMANSA ENGLISH ASOCIATION. SEA is an English Organisation in SMA Negeri 1 Rantepao
Crossbar means English is the main rifle to enter Globalisasiton Era
Rope means all themembers of SEA are family there’s no gap between one and others
Hand that hold the globe means all members of SEA are able to compate in Globalisasiton Era
Red means all the members of SEA are brave to compare with the other students
Grey means all the members of SEA are students in Senior High School
History of SEA
SEA was built on 2007, by three students namely:
Astry (XII IPA 1),
Framitha (XII IPA 1),
Mardin (XI IPA 3).
- The first generation of SEA (2007)
The members are :
Friska Martin (XI IPA Khusus), Yusnasari (XI IPA Khusus), Cherry Jelita (XI IPA Khusus), Brenda Delmo (XI IPA Khusus), Afdal (X.1), Chrisnawaty(X.1), Anggi Dyah (X.2), Alan Prasetyo(X.2), Donna (X.3),Doly (X.4)
- The Second Generation of SEA (2008)
Eileen Euides (X.1), Siu Semar (X.1), Suci Rachmita (X.1), Srianovita (X.1), Randynovat (X.1), Ervina Mursid (X.2), Florensi Tonglo (X.2), Aurora Maghfira (X.2), Gloria Stephanie (X.11).
- The Third Generation of SEA (2009)
Diana Victory (XI IPA 1), Irvan Pratama (XI IPA 1), Iustitia Septuaginta (XI IPA 1), Gusni Bontong (X.1), Ice Novita (X.1)
- The Fourth Generation of SEA (2010)
Vision and Mision of SEA
Mission : Optimalize the regular meeting, and Cooperate with the other organization in SMAN 1 Rantepao in gainning learning process
Purpose of SEA
The main goal of SEA is :
Achievement of SEA
Juara 1 Lomba Debat Se-Sulsel 2007
Best Speakers se-Sulsel 2007
Juara 1 Lomba Debat tingkat Kabupaten Tana Toraja 2008
Masuk Semifinal PILOT(Perisai English Contest Unhas)2008
Mewakili SulSel Olimpiade Ilmu Sosial English (2009)
Masuk Semifinal Debat PILOT (Perisai English Contest Unhas) 2010
Juara 6 Story Telling PILOT (Perisai English Contest Unhas) 2010
Juara 5 Pidato tingkat Sulsel 2010
Best Speaker se-SulSel 2010
The 1st and 2nd speaker Tk. Kabupaten 2011
The 4th best speaker Tk. Provinsi
Juara 2 Pidato tingkat Kabupaten Toraja Utara dan Tana Toraja 2011
bagus..i like this..:)